Nizampet 8 division Corporator Vutukuru Suresh Kumar Reddy

Nizampet 8 division Corporator Vutukuru Suresh Kumar Reddy

Nizampet 8 division corporator Vutukuru Suresh Kumar Reddy

Vutukuru Suresh Kumar Reddy Personal Profile

Name Vutukuru Suresh Kumar Reddy
Corporation Nizampet
Division 8
Year 2020
Party TRS
Date of birth – Age 01-05-1983, 37yrs.
Parents Thirumal Reddy
Qualification MCA
Profession Business
Reserved UR(G)
Caste/Category OC, Reddy.
Address H.No. 11, Gayatri Gardens, Balaji Hills, Nizampet – 500090.
Phone No. 96769 33377


Nizampet 8 Division Boundaries

NORTH: Starts from Turka Cheruw, Govemment land Sy.No:331, Rajadhani School.

EAST: Starts from Government Land Sy.No: 82 to 86, RGK Block No:81 to 79.

SOUTH: Starts form RGK Block No:48 Community Hall: 58,61,64,65,7 3,7 5,7 8 & 7 9.

WEST: Turka Cheruvu Total.

Areas : Rajeev Grutra Kalpa (46 to 8l Blocks)


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